Reviews: 151 reviews

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The staff at James Karpac orthodontist are gentile but quick.

I'm almost a month into having braces and I am amazed at how much my teeth have already moved. They hurt pretty bad the first couple of days but I've gotten used to them. I'm very happy we chose to use Dr. Karpac, he and the staff are very polite and they have great senses of humor! The third or fourth day I had my braces, we got a call from Dr. Karpac asking how I was. That alone made this company stand out to me because it showed they care about the patients!

We were recommended to Dr. Karpac by patients from over 20 years ago, and we have been incredibly happy with our experience. The staff and technicians are wonderful and very good at what they do. Dr. Karpac does a great job explaining the treatment plan, and helping you achieve great results. We recommend Dr. Karpac.

This place is amazing because I didn't feel any pain when I got my braces. I also like the point system and the friendliness of the staff.
I also like the activities they have in the waiting room.